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How Gum Grafting Can Address Periodontal Disease

August 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_groy @ 3:17 am
Woman smiling after receiving gum disease therapy.

Gum disease is a serious problem! It’s estimated that roughly half of all US adults suffer from some form of gum disease, and sadly, many are completely unaware! But even though the signs and symptoms of gum disease aren’t always obvious, the consequences are quite severe—your gums can irreversibly recede, and your very teeth are at risk of being lost if things get out of hand! Here’s a closer look at one of the methods used to address this situation: gum grafting.

Why Is Gum Grafting Necessary?

Simply put, your gums do quite a few different things for your mouth. First and foremost, they anchor your teeth in place! The roots of your teeth lack the thick enamel that the upper portion is coated in, and instead rely on your gum tissue for protection. However, if your gums aren’t healthy and the tissue begins to recede, you’re at risk for all sorts of problems including hypersensitivity, infection, and even total tooth loss.

This irreversible deterioration isn’t uncommon and can be caused by a few different things, but the most frequent factor is time—as we age, the daily wear and tear that our mouths endure simply takes a toll on our enamel and gum tissue. On top of this, poor oral hygiene is also a large contributing factor; if bacteria are left to continuously spawn inside of your mouths and in the pockets of your gums, it’ll eventually cause infection that destroys the tissue. In some rarer cases, dental restorations such as dentures that don’t properly fit can also wear away gum tissue, as can overbrushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush.

Regardless of the cause of gum recession, gum grafting is an effective solution that can address it! Though it’s important to note that it’s typically reserved for cases where the recession has become quite severe, and treatment is necessary to thwart its progression. Your dentist will use healthy gum tissue (either from your own mouth or a donor) and graft it directly to the affected area. Assuming the site is able to heal correctly and the patient practices good oral hygiene moving forward, the procedure can successfully restore the gums to healthier levels.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Gum Grafting?

The grafted material will need to be safeguarded as it heals, and this is arguably the most important part of the entire process. For the first few days following the surgery, you will have to carefully adhere to strict guidelines concerning cleaning your mouth and eating. While it may take a week or two for your mouth to fully heal, you should be able to resume normal daily activities the day following the procedure. Over the next several months, new blood vessels will continue to grow into the graft and integrate it into the surrounding tissue.

Moving forward, it will be crucial to practice excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily. These habits, coupled with regular preventive dental care, will ensure that your gums are well-protected from periodontal disease in the future!

About the Practice

The team at Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg is proud to serve the dental needs of the Leesburg area under the leadership of Dr. Jennifer Pham. Dr. Pham received her dental doctorate from the Temple University School of Dentistry and is a member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association, the Virginia Dental Association, and the Academy of General Dentistry. If you have any questions about gum disease treatment or would like to schedule a visit, you can contact the practice online or by phone: (703) 666-3867.

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