Call Us Today: (703) 777-5600
18 Wirt Street SW., Leesburg, VA 20175

Orthodontic Care in Leesburg

Crooked or misaligned teeth are a common problem in the dental world, and it’s one that can negatively affect both your oral health and your sense of self-confidence. Transformative orthodontic options are available for both children and adults who need to achieve a straighter smile. In fact, undergoing orthodontic treatment has even been shown to help prevent age-related change in the oral facial area.

We provide orthodontic treatment which includes crossbite correction and space maintenance in children, and tooth movements with removable appliances for both children and adults.  For cases that require a specialist we will refer you to and work closely with competent orthodontists in the community.  We’ll also start monitoring your children for tell-tale symptoms of needing orthodontic care at a young age and keep you informed of when orthodontic care may needed.