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Root Canal Therapy – Leesburg, VA

Eliminate Infection and Save Your Tooth

Patient in pain

If one or more or your teeth is decayed and/or damaged to the point that extraction may be necessary, root canal therapy offers an alternative that will restore the tooth back to full health. Also commonly referred to as endodontic care, this is a treatment that is highly effective and successful.  It consists of accessing the affected tooth’s inner chamber, thoroughly cleaning out any diseased pulp and/or bacteria, resealing the area to prevent any further threat of infection and then restoring its structure with a build up and crown.

There is often the misconception that root canals are painful, but that doesn’t need to be the case.  At our office, we work hard to ensure that your root canal is a comfortable experience.

How Did My Tooth Get Infected?

Infected tooth

To understand how a tooth becomes infected, let’s first look at the structure of a tooth. Each tooth is made of three layers. The outside is covered with enamel, an extremely hard surface that gives your smile its shine.

Beneath the enamel is dentin, a slightly softer and somewhat porous material. At the center of each tooth is the pulp chamber. Here, blood, lymph and nerve tissue transport nutrients to the tooth and remove waste through root canals that connect to your bloodstream.

Normally, the chamber and canals are protected by the enamel and dentin. But if you have a large cavity, a crack or a loose filling, then bacteria can migrate to the chamber and canals. When this happens, infection usually begins.

What Are the Symptoms of an Infected Tooth?

Smiling man giving thumbs up

Unfortunately, the leading indicator of a tooth infection is often severe pain. When this happens, you need to see an endodontist in Leesburg as quickly as possible to relieve your discomfort and preserve the tooth.

Other symptoms include:

Remember, however, not all tooth infections display outward signs. For this reason, dental checkups and digital X-rays are often the best way to spot an infection early.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

No matter what you’ve heard, root canal therapy is not painful or uncomfortable. In fact, this common dental procedure is designed to eliminate the pain of an infected tooth. Modern anesthesia and advanced dental technology make root canal therapy practically as simple as filling a cavity.

First, Dr. Groy creates a small access hole in the tooth through which he’ll insert special dental files that remove infection and debris from the pulp chamber and root canals. Fortunately, your tooth can function perfectly fine without nerve, blood and lymph tissue.

Then, the area is disinfected and filled with an inert substance that prevents recontamination. Finally, the tooth is sealed and prepped to have a porcelain crown that will protect the tooth and restore form and function. Dr. Groy may also prescribe an oral antibiotic to ensure that the infection is completely eradicated.